"I dared not ask the fatal question; but I was known, and the officer guessed the cause of my visit. The ballots had been thrown; they were all black, and Justine was condemned." -page 57
I felt so bad for Justine because of everything that she had to go through. She had to suffer for something that she clearly didn't do. She was only a young girl, and she had to go through a trial in front of many people who had already decided that she was guilty beforehand. At this point, when things got this bad, I thought that Frankenstein would show some courage and step up to do something about this. He clearly knew that Justine was not capable of such a crime, and he also knew who it was that really killed William. As a reader, I became somewhat frustrated with Frankenstein for not handling the situation in a better manner. I expected him to take some responsibility for once and accept the consequences for what he created. I thought that Frankenstein should have taken some ownership in order to preserve the innocent life of Justine. Although her role is very sad, Justine is an essential character in the story. Her unjust death really gives Frankenstein a wake up call. It is at this point that he finally realizes that he has to stop this madness and confront the creature that he has created at some point if he wants to make things right.
I'm not so sure he decides at this moment to confront the monster...doesn't he happen to run into the monster?