Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Spring" #9

I think that Hopkins' diction is a very important component of his poem. His diction serves two main purposes in this poem. First, Hopkins' diction paints a picture of the beauty of spring and why he appreciates the season so much. He conveys what goes on during spring, including the activities of plants and animals. Hopkins expresses his love for spring by calling it "beautiful"and comparing it to "juice" and "joy". He also describes the weeds as "long and lovely and lush". In addition, Hopkins conveys how pleasant spring sounds by describing the song of the birds and the enthusiasm of the people who hear that song. Second, Hopkins' diction suggests that he is from a strong Christian background through his references to holy figures and his symbolism. He talks about "Christ, lord" as well as the "Eden Garden", which are very strong and apparent allusion to religion. I think that the lamb mentioned in the poem is a symbol and stands for the Lamb of God, or Christ. Lastly, I think that this poem not only expresses love for spring, but also appreciation for new life, new starts, and renewal.

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