Monday, February 28, 2011

Death of a Salesman: Linda

Throughout the entire play, I constantly felt bad for Linda. I felt like Willy is always snapping at her and complaining to her whenever he came home to her. Linda just sits there and takes everything that Willy dishes out at her, even when she is the one who is right most of the time. I felt even worse for Linda when I figured out that Willy cheated on her. She was never anything but a good wife to Willy, but Willy was just selfish and expected Biff to be okay with his affair when Biff found out about it in Boston. Linda is at home trying to fix her stockings, while Willy is buying another woman multiple pairs of brand new stockings. In addition, Linda is one of the most levelheaded and realistic characters in the play. She understands what is happening to Willy, and she does everything that she can to keep him safe and allow him to live his life at the same time. I think Linda was also the first one to realize that Willy's condition wasn't getting any better and that there was nothing that she could do about it. Yet she still remained emotionally stable for her family when both of her sons couldn't handle it anymore and fell apart.

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