Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Glass Menagerie #7

The question of time in this play is a very difficult one to answer. Time is definitely distorted in this play from the beginning Tom is both a character and the narrator. Because the details, descriptions, and action comes from Tom's memory and mind, they may be bias or blurred. In Tom's memory, time seems to be missing or almost unimportant as he reflects on the past. His train of thought also jumps during the play, which means that events might not be in order. The setting and amount of time that is covered in the action is also difficult to understand. Tom makes various references to points in history that allow readers to figure out what the time period was. However, these allusions and references are also mixed up with no chronological organization. But with the information presented in the play, I think that the action in the play took place over a few months. One of the few clues that makes me think that this is correct is when Amanda tells Tom that she reminded him to find a gentleman caller for Laura multiple times. Other than that, not many context clues are given to hint at time in the play.

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