Monday, August 9, 2010

The Sun Also Rises: LAST BLOG

Before I even started reading this book, I was worried that I wouldn't like it or take anything away from it because of the things I heard about it, especially the things I heard about the author. Until I did some research and started looking for answers, I never knew that Hemingway was a World War I veteran. That alone changed some things for me. Instead of looking at him as a distant author not connected to his story, I viewed him as I viewed Tim O'Brien. I saw pieces of Hemingway incorporated in the book even though he was not a character. As I was reading something about Ernest Hemingway, I learned that he was seriously injured and wounded in Italy. Then I put the pieces together and thought that maybe the character Jake Barnes was a representation of himself. The both had things in common such as their involvement in WWI and their battle wounds. I got to thinking about it and wondered if maybe this story was Hemingway's outlet and way of expressing how he dealt with the postwar world. Maybe he wanted his unhappiness off of his chest but in an indirect way. Maybe this was him reaching out for help with his problems. I guess we'll never know now because he has passed away, but I thought it was interesting how Hemingway put a little bit of himself in a character.

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